6 Sentences at the bank + Bonus – English lessons

Hello, Fearless learner! Welcome back to part two. Today, we are at the bank again, and we’re going to finish what we started in the previous lesson. So, let’s get started.

Bank balance

The first statement I have on the screen is let’s say you want to ask about your bank balance. You could say something like, “Could you tell me my bank balance, please?” or “Could you tell me my balance, please?” And the person could give you the information. But let’s say you don’t have any money. What is the bank clerk going to reply with? They’re going to reply with, “Your account is overdrawn.” Now, what does that mean? Well, if your account is overdrawn, it means that you spent more money than you have in your account. So, you spent over the amount you had. Let’s say you had 10 pounds in your account, but then you decided to pay for something that was 20 pounds. That means you are now overdrawn 10 pounds. You need to give the bank back 10 pounds.

Withdrawing money

All right, so let’s move on to the next one. You could say something like, “I’d like to transfer some money to this account, please.” This means that you want to move money from your account to someone else’s account. So, this is the sentence you would use: “I’d like to transfer some money to this account, please.” I always like to add “please” in everything.

The next sentence is a little bit more specific. So, you could say, “Could you transfer one thousand pounds from my current account to my savings account?” Again, very similar to the previous one, but a bit more specific in terms of the amount that you want to send, and you’re also telling the person that you want to move it from this account to the next. At this point, they’re probably going to ask you for some identification. We talked about that in the previous lesson.

Opening an account

Let’s say this is the very first time you’re going to a bank and you need to have an account. What do you say? So, you approach the bank clerk, say hello, and say, “I’d like to open a personal account.” This is just a normal account. Or, you could say, “I’d like to open a business account.” This is for your business, so it’s a bit different from a personal account. Anyone that has a business, or is starting a business, or is an entrepreneur, would open a business account. And then the last one is a joint account. If you and your partner, or you and your spouse, want to open a bank account together, where you share the money, you call this a joint account. So, I would say, “I’d like to open a joint account, please.”

Bank cards

For the next part, we’re going to look at a card, a bank card. And what you’re going to do is pause the video and look at the arrows on the card. Now, I’ve made up this Bank, Blackboard English bank, so none of these numbers are anyone’s number. I’ve made it up, and what I want you to do is look at where the arrows are pointing to the different numbers.

PAN (Long number)

For those of you listening and not looking at the video, I’m pointing at the very long number in the middle, I’m pointing at the date, I’m pointing at the number that has six digits, so two digits separated by a dash, and then I’m looking at another one, a smaller set of numbers. What are these called? What would you understand if someone said, “Hey, could you give me a specific number? First, let’s look at the long number on the card. Most people just say “the long number” because it’s just easier. However, the formal way to say this is “the permanent account number” or “PAN” for short. The long number is usually a 16-digit number on your card.

Sort code

Now, let’s move on to the next one, which is the “sort code.” The sort code is usually a group of numbers that are usually divided by little dashes. This number is called the “sort code.”

Expiry date

The next number, which looks like a date, is the expiry date. When this card reaches this date, you won’t be able to use it anymore. So, this is the expiry date.

Account number

The last number at the bottom is called the “account number.” This number is usually short and doesn’t have any dashes in between. This is the number that you can say to someone when you want to share your bank details with them.

Card verification code

Now, let’s talk about the last thing: when you turn the card, you will see a three-digit number on the other side. This is called the “CVC” or “card verification code.” This is an important number that is supposed to be kept secret. You should not share your CVC number with anyone.

What numbers should I share?

So, which numbers can you share with people when they want to send you money, and which numbers can’t you share with them? You can share your sort code and your account number, but you should not share your permanent account number or your CVC code. Also, avoid sharing your expiry date. To send you money, people will need your name, your sort code, and your account number.

I hope this lesson helped you learn something new. If it did, please share it with your friends. Thank you for coming to class, and I’ll see you in the next lesson.

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