3 English Idioms | Vocabulary | Learn English

Hello, Fearless Learners! It’s Halima, and today we are going to look at three different idioms for you to use. All right, let’s get started.

Break a Leg

The first one is “break a leg”. This just means “good luck”. So, if someone says to you, “I have a presentation today,” you could say “break a leg” instead of “good luck”. Remember that it’s “break a leg”, not “break your leg”. Avoid saying “break your leg” to someone because it literally means for them to break their leg.

Miss the Boat

The next one is “miss the boat”. This means it’s too late, and whatever you wanted to do is no longer available to you. For example, if someone says, “I need to book the class before it’s too late,” and their friend says, “You missed the boat, the deadline was yesterday,” it means the deadline has passed and it’s too late to sign up.

Time Flies

The last one is “time flies when you’re having fun”. This means that you don’t notice how much time has passed while you’re having a good time. For example, if you’re at a friend’s house and you say, “Oh my gosh, it’s already 12 AM,” you could say “time flies” to express that you didn’t notice the time passing because you were having so much fun.

Those are the three idioms we learned today: “break a leg”, “miss the boat”, and “time flies when you’re having fun”. I hope you enjoyed today’s lesson. If you liked it, please share it with your friends and leave a comment. In the comment leave a comment to tell me which lesson you want next. Bye for now

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